7 Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil

Over the last few years, CBD oil has become the darling of the health world. Considering its scientifically proven benefits, this is hardly surprising. What is surprising is that governments worldwide have finally begun to acknowledge the benefits of CBD oil by legalizing its sale and use.

If you’re not sure what all the fuss is about, this post is for you. We’ll investigate cannabis and why CBD can be such a useful healer.

Benefits of CBD Oil

1. Helps with Epilepsy

CBD-based medicines are effective against certain types of seizures. While we don’t fully understand the science just yet, CBD has been known to enhance the effects of anti-epileptic medications.

The oil is useful in treating rare forms of epilepsy, such as Dravet or Lennox Gastrault Syndrome. It may also be helpful for other types that are resistant to conventional treatments. Patients should always consult their doctors before adding this to their treatment regimen.

2. CBD Oil Benefits for Pain

Marijuana has a long history as a pain reliever—the compounds in the plant act on the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating many other systems in the body, including pain response.

CBD assists in pain management in two ways. First, it impacts the activity of the endocannabinoid receptors. Second, it reduces inflammation.

Medical marijuana has long been used as a prescribed method to manage pain in cancer patients. It should be noted, however, that THC and CBD are the most effective for pain relief. Therefore, it’s a good idea to consider a full-spectrum product for pain management.

3. Good for Anxiety and Depression

The World Health Organization ranks depression as the most significant cause of disability globally. Anxiety and its related disorders came in sixth on the same list.

CBD oil offers a safe and effective alternative to addictive medications like benzodiazepines. Many scientific studies have confirmed that CBD oil promotes relaxation in most users. Studies in animals point to it being an effective anti-depressant.

We’d like to note that a small percentage of the population reacts differently. In some people, CBD causes anxiety. Start with the lowest possible dose and see how you respond before taking more.

4. CBD Hemp Oil Benefits for Cancer

Some claim that CBD oil is a cure for cancer. But there’s no scientific evidence to back up this claim yet so we won’t say the same. CBD does help with side effects related to cancer treatment, like pain, vomiting, and nausea. It may also assist in dealing with the emotional impact of the diagnosis.

For patients undergoing chemotherapy, the oil offers a reliable, natural alternative. It helps to settle the stomach, manage pain, and may stimulate the appetite.

As for the cancer-beating benefits, the research is promising. The application of the oil to a breast cancer cell in an animal study killed the cell. Still, we need more research before we pop the champagne.

5. CBD Benefits for Skin

CBD’s anti-inflammatory benefits may prove useful in managing acne. Its regulatory effect on the system as a whole may help to normalize sebum production, making it helpful in the treatment of acne.

Hemp-based creams are nourishing for the skin. Taking the oil internally can also enhance the sebum-regulating effect.

cbd oil

6. Might be Neuroprotective

Again, it’s a bit early to start celebrating, but researchers believe CBD’s useful anti-epileptic properties could be used well for treating other disorders. CBD-based sprays have already proven effective in reducing muscle spasms.

This property could make it useful in the treatment of disorders such as muscular sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. Further research suggests that it could help ward off Alzheimer’s disease. Before you throw away your meds, please be aware that none of this has been confirmed.

7. Might Benefit the Cardiovascular System

CBD has proven effective in regulating blood pressure. Those who rely on this method to lower their blood pressure see results on day one. The effect is, in part, due to CBD’s anxiety-relieving properties.

Another area in which CBD shows promise is that it reduces inflammation. This, in combination with lowered blood pressure, makes it heart-healthy. The decreased pressure on the arteries allows them to stay flexible and healthy.

All of this may reduce the chances of a stroke or heart attack.

Patients take the herb to curb stress and sleep better. In doing so, they’re supporting good heart health. With adequate sleep, they’re also more likely to make healthy eating and lifestyle choices.

Types of CBD Oil

The market is overrun with a dazzling array of CBD products. Determining which one is best for your needs starts with learning about the three basic types of CBD products.

Full-Spectrum CBD

A growing body of evidence suggests that full-spectrum products like Daily CBD deliver the best results.


Full-spectrum products give you all the hemp-derived CBD oil benefits, in addition to fatty acids, along with a range of other helpful compounds.

The idea is to keep the formulation as close to nature as possible. By doing so, you benefit from the so-called entourage effect, meaning that each compound works synergistically with the other, enhancing the overall function.

CBD Isolate

CBD Isolates are pure CBD and little else. In this case, manufacturers usually use hemp and remove any extraneous compounds. These products contain no discernable levels of THC.

Isolates are favoured by those who undergo routine drug testing. An athlete may use it to avoid being caught up in a doping scandal, while some use CBD to wean themselves off more potent and dangerous drugs.

Broad-spectrum CBD Oil

A broad-spectrum oil is a hybrid of the two. It has all the compounds that you’ll find in a full-spectrum product, with one exception: THC.

That means it won’t get you high at all.

cbd oil tincture

How is CBD Oil Used?

CBD oil is available in various forms, and there’s a suitable product for everyone.

CBD Tinctures or Oils

Oils and tinctures are one of the most common and easiest to use forms of CBD available. These cannabis-infused solutions come in a bottle that’s packaged with a dropper for accurate dosing.

To use a CBD oil or tincture, simply take a few drops under your tongue and hold them there for a minute.

This method is known as sublingual administration.

The added advantage of this method is that it bypasses the digestive tract, meaning you’ll get the full effect faster.

Where possible, look for a bottle that has a marked dropper tube because counting drop for drop accurately can be difficult. With a marked tube, draw up just enough liquid to meet the mark. If you don’t have this luxury, store the oils in the refrigerator, as the cold makes it easier to detect individual drops.

These oils may also be blended with a carrier oil for use in massage. CBD massage oil benefits include intense relaxation and instant pain relief.

Creams and Balms

These are applied topically to ease joint pain, muscle aches, and stiffness. These botanicals are nutrient-dense and great for dry skin. Check out our selection of topicals here.


Capsules are useful for those who don’t like edibles or smoking weed. But they can take up to a few hours to kick in just like with other edibles.


Edibles make it easy to get the right dose. But they must pass through the digestive tract, meaning it will take longer to feel the effects compared to smoking, tinctures, and vaping.

Edibles are popular for being discreet, as it’s much easier to be low key about eating an edible than it is to smoke a joint.


Vaping gives you the fastest effects, making it another popular option. What’s not ideal is that vaping can damage the soft tissue of your lungs, but proponents of vaping say that it’s not as dangerous as smoking.

cbd oil tincture

CBD Oil Benefits FAQ

What’s the Daily Recommended Dose?

That depends on the condition you’re treating and your weight. It’s best to speak to a natural health practitioner to get the correct dose for your needs. Treatments range from 6mg to 45mg per day.

Start with the lowest recommended dose. If that doesn’t help, increase your intake slowly.

Are There any Side Effects?

The World Health Organization considers CBD safe, even at higher doses. It’s common to experience gastrointestinal upset in the beginning. Ongoing side effects might include increased appetite and weight gain.

At higher doses, patients taking the oil over time may also experience daytime fatigue and weight loss.

Stick to the recommended doses, and you shouldn’t have any problems.

What’s the Best Way to Take CBD Oil?

The best way to take CBD oil is the sublingual method- a couple drops under the tongue should do.

If you ingest CBD oil orally instead, just remember that the product must work its way through the digestive tract. Vaping gives the fastest effect, but you can’t ignore the health concerns that come with it.

Does Carrier Oil Make a Big Difference?

The carrier oil might make a difference, especially if you’re using the product daily. CBD coconut oil benefits you more than using sunflower oil as a base, for example. Choose a reputable product, and you’ll get a high-quality base, too.

Will I Get High?

No. As long as you stick with a reputable company, you’ll be fine. THC is the compound that causes you to feel high. It’s naturally occurring in CBD oil, but only in trace amounts. Reputable companies isolate and remove THC or clearly state the levels contained in their products.

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