How To Make Shatter at Home: The Comprehensive Guide

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If you’re a fan of cannabis concentrates, you’ve likely heard of shatter. This potent form of cannabis has grown in popularity due to its high quality and glass-like appearance. If you’re curious about creating shatter at home, you’re in the right place. This guide will take you through the process, including safety precautions and essential equipment. Let’s get started!

What is Shatter?

Shatter is a highly potent cannabis concentrate that typically contains between 70% and 90% THC. Known for its glass-like appearance, it’s called “shatter” because it can easily break into smaller pieces when dropped or tapped. Shatter is made through a BHO extraction process, resulting in a pure and potent final product.

Equipment and Materials Needed

To make shatter at home, you’ll need some essential tools, materials, and safety equipment.

Tools and Materials

Safety Equipment

  • Gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Well-ventilated area

The Complete Guide to Crafting Shatter Safely at Home

Shatter is a highly sought-after type of cannabis concentrate, known for its translucent, glassy appearance and high concentrations of cannabinoids and terpenes. Making shatter at home can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, but it’s crucial to be aware of the risks associated with using flammable solvents during the process. This detailed guide will help you create shatter safely while ensuring the highest possible quality.

1. Set Up Your Workspace and Gather Supplies

First and foremost, prepare a tidy, well-ventilated workspace to ensure safety and cleanliness. All tools and materials should be free from contaminants. You’ll need the following items:

  • Premium cannabis buds
  • Butane or another solvent (Note: Butane is highly flammable and dangerous; use caution and always work in a well-ventilated area away from open flames or sparks)
  • Extraction tube (glass or stainless steel)
  • Coffee filters or micron screens
  • Pyrex or glass dish
  • Parchment paper or a silicone mat
  • Razorblade or scraper
  • Vacuum chamber or oven (optional but recommended)
  • Heat sources, such as a hot plate or heating pad

2. Grind and Pack Your Cannabis

Grind your top-quality cannabis buds to achieve a medium-fine texture, being careful not to turn them into powder. Fill the extraction tube with the ground cannabis, ensuring it is packed tightly without air pockets but not overly compressed, as this could hinder the flow of the solvent.

Black plastic cannabis grinder sits on a table.  2 nuggets of cannabis flower sit on top of the grinder.

3. Carry Out the BHO Extraction

Note: This step is potentially dangerous due to the use of highly flammable solvents. Always work in a well-ventilated area away from open flames, sparks, or heat sources. Consider wearing safety goggles and gloves for added protection.

Secure a coffee filter or micron screen over the open end of the extraction tube using a rubber band or clamp. Position the glass dish beneath the extraction tube to catch the liquid. Carefully spray the butane or chosen solvent into the top of the extraction tube, allowing it to pass through the cannabis and dissolve the cannabinoids and terpenes. The solvent will exit the tube as a liquid, carrying the dissolved compounds into the glass dish. Continue spraying until the solvent runs clear.

4. Evaporate the Solvent

After completing the extraction, the liquid mixture in the glass dish must be purged of the remaining solvent. Place the dish in a well-ventilated area or use a fume hood to allow the solvent to evaporate naturally. You can also apply gentle heat using a hot plate or heating pad to expedite this process. Never use an open flame or stove for this step, as the solvent is highly flammable and can cause a fire or explosion.

5. Vacuum Purge or Oven Purge (Optional but Recommended)

Once most of the solvent has evaporated, a vacuum chamber or oven can be used to remove any remaining traces, resulting in a cleaner and safer final product. Carefully transfer the concentrate onto parchment paper or a silicone mat and place it in the vacuum chamber or oven. Maintain a temperature between 100 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit to preserve the cannabinoids and terpenes while purging the residual solvent. This process can take several hours or even days, depending on the thickness of the concentrate.

6. Collect Your Shatter

After the purging process is complete, the shatter should appear glass-like and be free of visible solvent bubbles. Using a razor blade or scraper, carefully collect the shatter from the parchment paper or silicone mat. Store the shatter in an airtight container, preferably in a cool, dark place, to maintain its potency and consistency over time.

7. Safety Precautions and Potential Hazards

It’s vital to stress that making shatter at home can be extremely dangerous due to the use of flammable solvents like butane. When working with these solvents, always ensure that you are in a well-ventilated area and away from any open flames, sparks, or heat sources. Additionally, wear appropriate safety gear, such as goggles and gloves, to protect yourself from potential hazards.

Unfortunately, there have been cases of inexperienced individuals attempting to create shatter, leading to fires or explosions that resulted in severe injuries or property damage. If you are not confident in your ability to safely handle the solvents and equipment involved in making shatter, it may be best to leave the process to professionals or explore other, safer methods of cannabis consumption.

Following this comprehensive guide and prioritizing safety can create high-quality shatter at home. However, always remember that the process carries inherent risks, and it’s essential to exercise caution and adhere to local laws and regulations regarding cannabis production and use.

Storing Shatter

Store your homemade shatter in an airtight container at room temperature. Keep it away from light, heat, and air to maintain its quality. Silicone containers are an excellent choice for storage, as they are non-stick and easy to handle.

Air-tight glass containers sit on a wooden surface. They are perfect for storing cannabis products.

Expert Advice for Crafting High-Quality Shatter

When it comes to making shatter at home, a few key factors can significantly impact the quality of your final product. By following these expert tips, you can ensure that your homemade shatter is potent, pure, and enjoyable to consume.

Choose Quality Starting Material

The quality of your cannabis buds plays a crucial role in determining the quality of your final shatter. Opt for high-quality, well-cured buds from a trusted source to ensure the best possible results. This will lead to a more potent and flavorful concentrate and a smoother extraction process.

Maintain Optimal Temperature During Purging

To preserve the cannabinoids and terpenes in your shatter, it’s essential to maintain the correct temperature during the purging process. Ideally, keep the temperature between 100 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This will allow the solvent to evaporate effectively while minimizing the degradation of valuable compounds.

Use a Vacuum Chamber or Oven for Purging

While it’s possible to air dry your concentrate, using a vacuum chamber or oven for purging can significantly improve the quality of your shatter. These methods provide a more thorough and efficient purge, removing residual solvents and impurities to produce a cleaner and safer final product.

Clean Your Tools and Equipment

Ensuring that all tools and equipment used during the shatter-making process are clean and free of contaminants is essential. This includes the extraction tube, coffee filters or micron screens, glass dish or parchment paper, and any scrapers or utensils used to collect the concentrate. Any contaminants that come into contact with your shatter can impact its flavour, potency, and overall quality.

Be Patient and Attentive

The process of making shatter requires patience and attention to detail. Rushing through any step can result in a lower-quality product. Monitor your concentrate throughout the entire process, from extraction to purging, and make adjustments as needed. This vigilance will ensure that your shatter is of the highest quality possible.

By following these expert tips, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a top-notch shatter that rivals the products found at your local dispensary. Just remember to always prioritize safety when working with solvents and to adhere to the cannabis laws and regulations in your area. Happy shatter-making!

Consuming Shatter

You can enjoy shatter in various ways, including smoking, dabbing, vaporizing, and incorporating it into edibles. Many people prefer using a dab rig or a vape pen designed for cannabis concentrates. If you’re new to shatter, visit an online dispensary like Budmail for advice on the best consumption method for you.

alternatives to smoking

Safety Precautions and Legality

When making shatter, always work in a well-ventilated area and wear safety equipment, including gloves and safety goggles. Solvents like butane are highly flammable and can be dangerous if not handled properly. Always familiarize yourself with and adhere to the laws and regulations in your area regarding cannabis and cannabis concentrates.

Where to Buy Shatter and Other Concentrates in Canada

For cannabis enthusiasts in Canada, it’s never been easier to find shatter and other concentrates. With an ever-growing market and various options, you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect product to suit your needs. Here’s a quick guide to help you find the best shatter and concentrates in the Great White North.

Online Retailers

One of the easiest and most convenient ways to purchase shatter and other concentrates in Canada is through online retailers. These websites offer a wide range of products, often at competitive prices. Plus, they deliver right to your doorstep, saving you time and effort.

Budmail is a popular and reputable online store offering a vast selection of shatter and other concentrates like wax, live rosin, and distillate. Their category page for shatter and category page for concentrates provide detailed descriptions and images to help you make an informed decision.

Local Dispensaries

If you prefer shopping in person, many local dispensaries across Canada carry a variety of shatter and other concentrates. These brick-and-mortar stores allow you to speak with knowledgeable staff members who can guide you through their product offerings and provide personalized recommendations.

To find a local dispensary, use online directories or perform a quick search for “cannabis dispensaries near me.” Keep in mind that the availability and selection of shatter and concentrates may vary by location.

Licensed Producers

Canada has numerous licensed producers (LPs) that grow, manufacture, and distribute cannabis products, including shatter and other concentrates. Many LPs sell directly to customers through their websites or partner with local dispensaries to make their products available.

When purchasing from an LP, you can be confident that the shatter and concentrates have been produced under strict regulations, ensuring a high-quality and safe product. To find a licensed producer in Canada, consult Health Canada’s list of authorized cannabis producers.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re looking to buy shatter or other cannabis concentrates in Canada, there are plenty of options to choose from. Explore online retailers like Budmail, visit your local dispensary, or check out licensed producers to find the perfect product to suit your preferences. Always make sure to consume responsibly and adhere to the cannabis laws and regulations in your area.


What is the difference between shatter and other cannabis concentrates like wax and live rosin?

Shatter, wax, and live rosin are all cannabis concentrates, but they differ in texture, consistency, and extraction methods. Shatter is known for its glass-like appearance, while wax has a softer, more crumbly texture. Live rosin is extracted using a solventless method, making it a popular choice for those seeking a pure and natural concentrate. To learn more about the differences, check out these articles on the comparison of shatter and wax and the comparison of live rosin and shatter.

How can I learn more about the benefits of shatter?

Shatter offers a range of benefits, from its high potency to its potential medical applications. To learn more about these benefits, read this article on the benefits of shatter and its medical applications.

Where can I buy shatter if I don’t want to make it at home?

Shatter is available for purchase at many dispensaries and online shops. Visit the category page for shatter to explore available options.

What is dabbing, and how does it work with shatter?

Dabbing is a popular method of consuming cannabis concentrates like shatter. It involves heating a nail or banger on a dab rig and then placing a small amount of concentrate on the heated surface, which creates a vapour that is inhaled through the rig’s mouthpiece. To learn more about dabbing, check out this article explaining what dabbing is.

Can I use shatter in edibles?

Yes, shatter can be used in edibles by decarboxylating it and mixing it with fat or oil, like butter or coconut oil. This mixture can then be used in recipes to create potent cannabis-infused edibles.

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