Cannabis for Migraines: Natural Relief for Debilitating Headaches

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Migraines
  2. Cannabis and Migraine Relief
  3. Selecting the Right Cannabis Strains
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

Migraines can be incredibly debilitating, causing severe headaches that affect the quality of life for those who suffer from them. Finding effective relief can be a challenge, but many individuals have discovered the power of cannabis in alleviating migraine symptoms. In this article, we will explore how cannabis can provide natural relief for debilitating headaches, backed by research and testimonials from individuals who have experienced its benefits firsthand.

Understanding Migraines and Their Types

Migraines are a prevalent neurological disease with various symptoms, primarily characterized by a pulsating headache on one side of the head. Physical activity, lights, sounds, or smells can intensify the migraine, which can last for at least four hours or even days. Approximately 12% of Americans are affected by this genetic disorder, making it the sixth most disabling disease globally.

Types of Headaches and Migraines

Headaches encompass a wide range of conditions, with over 150 types categorized into primary and secondary headaches. Migraines fall under the primary headache category, indicating that they are not caused by an underlying medical condition. Diagnosing primary headaches relies on clinical evaluation rather than blood tests or imaging studies. Conversely, secondary headaches are symptoms of other health issues.

Understanding Aura

Aura refers to a collection of sensory, motor, and speech symptoms that act as warning signals preceding a migraine attack. Often mistaken for a seizure or stroke, aura typically occurs before the onset of headache pain but can also manifest during or after the migraine. Aura episodes typically last between 10 to 60 minutes and affect around 15% to 20% of individuals who experience migraines.

Types of Migraines

Migraines can manifest in several types, each potentially referred to by different names:

  1. Migraine with aura (complicated migraine): Experienced by approximately 15% to 20% of migraine sufferers, this type includes the occurrence of an aura preceding the headache.
  2. Migraine without aura (common migraine): This type lacks the aura warning, but the accompanying symptoms are similar to migraines with aura.
  3. Migraine without head pain (silent migraine or acephalgic migraine): This variant features aura symptoms without the subsequent headache.
  4. Hemiplegic migraine: Individuals with this type experience temporary paralysis or sensory changes on one side of the body, sometimes accompanied by head pain.
  5. Retinal migraine (ocular migraine): Temporary, partial or complete loss of vision in one eye, along with a dull ache behind the eye that may extend to the rest of the head. Seek medical attention for retinal migraines as they may indicate a more serious condition.
  6. Chronic migraine: Characterized by migraines occurring at least 15 days per month, with symptoms and pain severity varying frequently. Overuse of headache pain medications can exacerbate this condition.
  7. Migraine with brainstem aura: Presents with vertigo, slurred speech, double vision, or loss of balance preceding the headache. The pain typically affects the back of the head, often accompanied by speech difficulties, ringing in the ears, and vomiting.
  8. Status migrainosus: A rare and severe type of migraine lasting longer than 72 hours, accompanied by intense headache pain and nausea. Certain medications or their withdrawal can trigger this type.

A picture depicting a migraine attack. There is a red pulsing spot on the head of the person.

Migraine Risk Factors

While it’s challenging to predict who will experience migraines, certain risk factors may increase vulnerability, including:

  • Genetics: Up to 80% of individuals with migraines have a first-degree relative with the condition.
  • Gender: Migraines are more common in women, especially between the ages of 15 and 55, likely due to hormonal influences.
  • Stress: High-stress levels can trigger migraines and increase their frequency.
  • Smoking.

How Does Cannabis Relieve Migraine Symptoms?

Cannabis has emerged as a promising natural remedy for relieving migraine symptoms. Understanding how it works to alleviate migraines can help individuals make informed decisions about incorporating cannabis into their migraine management routine. Let’s explore the mechanisms through which cannabis provides relief for debilitating headaches.  Here are some ways in which cannabis can help:

Interacting with the Endocannabinoid System

Cannabis contains cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, which interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including pain perception, inflammation, and mood. By binding to cannabinoid receptors in the ECS, cannabis compounds can modulate these functions and contribute to migraine relief.

Alleviating Pain

One of the primary benefits of cannabis for migraines is its analgesic properties. Both THC and CBD have demonstrated the ability to interact with pain receptors in the brain, effectively reducing the intensity of migraine-related pain. This pain-relieving effect can provide much-needed relief for individuals experiencing excruciating headaches.

Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation often accompanies migraines, contributing to the severity of symptoms. CBD, in particular, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. By interacting with receptors involved in the body’s inflammatory response, CBD can help reduce inflammation in the brain and surrounding areas, potentially mitigating the discomfort associated with migraines.

Nausea and Vomiting Relief

Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms experienced during migraine attacks, adding to the overall distress. Cannabis has shown promise in alleviating these symptoms by interacting with receptors in the brain responsible for regulating nausea and vomiting. This antiemetic effect of cannabis can provide much-needed relief and improve the overall well-being of migraine sufferers.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Stress and anxiety are known triggers for migraines, exacerbating the frequency and intensity of episodes. Cannabis offers a potential solution by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. THC, in particular, can induce a calming effect and provide a sense of tranquillity, which may help prevent or alleviate migraines triggered by stress and anxiety.

Selecting the Right Cannabis Strains

A shelf full of cannabis buds, each held in a glass jar.

Not all cannabis strains are created equal when it comes to migraine relief. Different strains contain varying levels of cannabinoids and other compounds, which can result in different effects. Here are a few strains that have shown potential for alleviating migraine symptoms:

1- Shiraz: The Ultimate Solution for Migraine Relief

From a user’s perspective, Shiraz proves to be an exceptional strain when it comes to providing relief from migraines. With its expertly crafted blend of qualities, it showcases an in-depth understanding of the needs and concerns of individuals seeking respite from this debilitating condition.

Backed by extensive knowledge and expertise, Shiraz demonstrates its effectiveness through the experiences of real people. Users report a tingly sensation that blankets the body, gently lulling them into a state of relaxation. The strain’s ability to induce sleepiness is particularly noteworthy, offering a much-needed reprieve for migraine sufferers who often struggle with restlessness.

What sets Shiraz apart from its competitors is its multi-dimensional impact. It not only addresses the physical symptoms but also targets the emotional toll of migraines, with users claiming a notable improvement in feelings of depression. Additionally, the strain has proven beneficial in reducing eye pressure, a common symptom experienced during migraines, and alleviating fatigue.


  • Provides a tingly and relaxed sensation
  • Induces sleepiness, aiding in rest and recovery
  • Effective in combating depression, according to 50% of users
  • Helps alleviate eye pressure experienced during migraines
  • Provides relief from fatigue, as reported by 50% of users


  • Individual experiences may vary
  • Requires individual experimentation to determine the optimal dosage


  • Strain: Shiraz
  • Feelings: Tingly, Sleepy, Relaxed
  • Reported benefits for migraines:
    • Depression: 50% of users report improvement
    • Eye pressure: 50% of users report relief

With its powerful combination of effects and user testimonials, Shiraz stands as an exceptional option for those seeking natural relief from migraines. Its ability to address both physical and emotional aspects of migraines makes it a standout choice in the realm of cannabis for migraines.

2- Medical Mass: The CBD-Dominant Strain for Soothing Migraines and Pain

Medical Mass is a CBD-dominant hybrid marijuana strain that brings relief to those seeking comfort from migraines, pain, and muscle spasms. As an expert, I can confidently say that this strain excels in its calming and relaxing effects, making it ideal for soothing the mind and body. With its lower THC potency, Medical Mass offers a gentle experience without overpowering psychoactive effects. What sets it apart is its high CBD content, which enhances its therapeutic properties. Whether you’re looking for relief from migraines or seeking a tranquil escape, Medical Mass delivers the natural power of cannabis for your well-being.


  • Effective in relieving migraines, pain, and muscle spasms
  • Calming and relaxing effects for a soothing experience
  • CBD-dominant strain with lower THC potency
  • High CBD content enhances therapeutic benefits


  • It may not provide the same level of psychoactive effects as higher THC strains


  • Strain Type: CBD-dominant hybrid
  • THC Content: Lower than average
  • CBD Content: High
  • Breeders: Royal Queen Seeds

Discover the natural power of Medical Mass and find solace from migraines with this CBD-dominant strain. Embrace its calming effects and let the relief wash over you, bringing you one step closer to a life free from debilitating headaches.

3-Majestic 12 – The Perfect Blend for Migraine Relief

Majestic 12, a hybrid blend of Space Queen and Obama OG, is the go-to strain for those seeking relief from migraines. With its stunning violet and purple leaves, dense trichomes, and a deep, sweet earthy flavour, it satisfies all the requirements of a delicious ‘purple’ strain. 

Expertly crafted, this strain provides a calming effect on both the mind and body, making it ideal for combating anxiety and pain simultaneously. From the first inhale, you’ll experience a wave of relaxation that washes over you, providing much-needed relief. Majestic 12 truly stands apart from its competitors, delivering an exceptional experience for cannabis for migraines.


  • Calming effect on the mind and body
  • Ideal for anxiety and pain relief
  • Stunning visual appeal with violet and purple leaves


  • It may cause dry mouth


  • Strain: Majestic 12
  • A hybrid blend of Space Queen and Obama OG
  • Flavour: Deep, sweet earthy
  • Effects: Calming, relaxing
  • Suitable for: Migraine relief, anxiety, pain management

Majestic 12 is a top-tier strain that checks all the boxes for migraine relief. Its exceptional calming properties, combined with its unique visual appeal and delightful flavour, make it a standout choice for those seeking effective and enjoyable relief from migraines. Say goodbye to the throbbing pain and embrace the soothing experience of Majestic 12.

4- Placenta – A Calming Indica-Dominant Hybrid

From a user’s perspective, Placenta is an exceptional Indica-dominant hybrid that delivers a potent and calming experience. Crafted by Panther Genetics in Ohio, this strain is a cross between Mother of All Cherries and GMO Cookies, resulting in a delightful combination of berry and earthy flavours.

With Placenta, you’ll find yourself feeling talkative, hungry, and ready to unwind. Its calming effects make it a great choice for those seeking relief from depression, insomnia, and nausea. Whether you’re in need of a peaceful night’s sleep or simply want to relax after a long day, Placenta has you covered.

In terms of performance, Placenta excels in its ability to induce a sense of tranquillity and relaxation. Users have reported a profound calmness, perfect for unwinding and enjoying a movie or diving into a favourite video game. However, it’s worth noting that dry mouth can be a potential negative side effect.

What sets Placenta apart from its competitors is its unique blend of flavours and its ability to deliver a calming experience. With its origins in two powerful parent strains, Placenta offers a distinctive combination of berry and earthy notes that tantalize the taste buds. Additionally, its potency and efficacy in alleviating symptoms make it a standout choice for those seeking relief from depression, insomnia, and nausea.


  • Calming and tranquil effects
  • Wonderful flavours of berry and earth
  • Effective in relieving depression, insomnia, and nausea


  • It may cause dry mouth


  • Strain Type: Indica-dominant hybrid
  • Created by: Panther Genetics
  • Genetic Cross: Mother of All Cherries x GMO Cookies
  • Flavour Profile: Berry and earthy
  • Effects: Calming and relaxing
  • Beneficial for: Depression, insomnia, and nausea

Overall, Placenta is a remarkable strain that delivers on its promise of a calming and enjoyable experience. With its unique flavors and powerful effects, it stands out among its competitors. Whether you’re seeking relief from migraines or simply want to unwind, Placenta is a strain worth considering.

5- Lady Liberty: A Potent Hybrid Strain for Migraine Relief

Lady Liberty is a remarkable 50/50 hybrid strain that brings together the best of both worlds. With its energizing euphoria and delightful grapefruit aroma, it captures your attention from the first inhale. The citrusy notes on the inhale and earthy sweetness on the exhale create a truly flavorful experience.

From a user’s perspective, Lady Liberty shines as a go-to choice for migraine relief. Its balanced effects provide relaxation for the body and a surge of uplifting euphoria that awakens creativity and happiness. The high THC content, often exceeding 22%, ensures a potent and effective experience.

Here’s a brief summary of the pros and cons of Lady Liberty for cannabis for migraines:


  • A balanced hybrid strain with energizing euphoria and relaxation
  • Delightful grapefruit aroma and flavorful experience
  • Uplifts mood and enhances creativity
  • High THC content for potent effects


  • It may not be suitable for individuals sensitive to THC
  • Effects may vary depending on individual tolerance and consumption method


  • Strain Type: Hybrid
  • THC Content: Often exceeds 22%
  • Aroma: Sweet grapefruit
  • Flavours: Citrus with earthy undertones
  • Effects: Energizing euphoria, relaxation, uplifted mood, enhanced creativity

Lady Liberty truly sets itself apart from its competitors with its well-rounded effects and delightful aroma. Whether you’re seeking relief from migraines or a mood-enhancing experience, this hybrid strain delivers on all fronts.


Migraines can be incredibly debilitating, but the power of cannabis offers a natural and potentially effective solution for many individuals. With its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and stress-reducing properties, cannabis has shown promise in providing relief from migraine symptoms. However, it’s essential to approach cannabis use responsibly and seek guidance from healthcare professionals to ensure safe and effective integration into your migraine management routine.

Next time you’re experiencing a debilitating migraine, consider exploring the power of cannabis and its potential to provide natural relief. Remember to consult with professionals, experiment with different strains, and find the best approach for your unique needs. Embrace the possibilities of cannabis and take a step toward regaining control over your migraines.


What is the best herb for migraines?

When it comes to herbs for migraines, one herb that has gained attention is feverfew. Feverfew is a flowering plant that has been used traditionally for its potential to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory effects, which may help alleviate migraine symptoms. However, more research is needed, and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any herb into your migraine management routine.

How to relieve migraines?

To relieve migraines, you can try the following approaches:

Maintain a migraine diary to identify triggers and avoid them. Practice stress-reducing techniques like relaxation exercises, meditation, or yoga. Experiment with applying cold or hot packs to the affected area. Ensure you’re getting enough restful sleep and staying hydrated. Consider over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications, but consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate options. Remember that individual experiences and triggers can vary, so it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Can cannabis completely cure migraines?

While cannabis can provide significant relief for migraine symptoms, it is important to note that it may not cure migraines entirely. Migraines are complex and can have various underlying causes. However, cannabis can be an effective tool in managing and reducing the frequency and severity of migraine episodes.

Is cannabis safe to use for migraines?

When used responsibly and in moderation, cannabis is generally considered safe for most individuals. However, it’s crucial to be aware of potential side effects, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, and temporary cognitive impairment. It’s recommended to start with low doses and gradually increase as needed while monitoring how your body responds.

Can CBD oil be used for migraines?

Yes, CBD oil can be used for migraines. CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, has shown promise in relieving pain and reducing inflammation associated with migraines. CBD oil can be ingested orally, applied topically, or used in vaporizers, providing versatile options for migraine sufferers.

Are there any risks associated with using cannabis for migraines?

While cannabis is generally safe, there are certain risks to consider. Individual responses to cannabis can vary, and some people may experience unwanted side effects or heightened sensitivity to THC. Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of local laws and regulations regarding cannabis use and consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating cannabis into your migraine management routine.

Can cannabis be used alongside other migraine medications?

It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before combining cannabis with any other medications. Cannabis may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners and sedatives. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized advice and help determine the best approach for your specific situation.

Are there alternative methods for migraine relief using cannabis?

Yes, apart from inhalation, there are alternative methods for consuming cannabis, such as edibles, tinctures, and topicals. Edibles offer a discreet and long-lasting option, while tinctures provide quick absorption. Topical products can be applied directly to the skin for localized relief. Exploring different methods can help you find the most effective way to incorporate cannabis into your migraine management routine.

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