17 Types of Bongs: Which is Best for You?

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If bongs are your cannabis device of choice, there are endless different bong types to choose from. From different materials to shaps, there’s a wide variety of bong types out there. There are so many models that you may be wondering which is the best type of bong.

The answer isn’t that simple – because the best bong type depends on you. So, let’s dig into the many different types of bongs and their benefits so you can decide which is the right choice for you.

The History of Bongs

Before we get into the best bongs and weed for bongs, let’s cover a brief history of these cannabis devices. Though you may have encountered a bong at your buddy’s house or in a paraphernalia shop, their history goes back much further. Devices like bongs have been around for centuries.

Bongs were even used in ancient civilizations, dating as far back as 400 BC. The ancient Scathyn tribes smoked from solid gold bongs, consuming cannabis as a means for communicating with spirit worlds. 

Bongs later popped up in ancient Greece and Egypt. The practice travelled across Asia; the word “bong” is said to come from the Thai “baung”, a bamboo pipe used for smoking.

Finally, bongs came to North America in the mid 1900s. Bongs became popular in the states after soldiers returned from the Vietnam war, and the production of acrylic, plastic, and glass became prevalent for their manufacturing.

Today, bongs are found all over the world and are one of the most common (and fun) ways of consuming cannabis at home.

What is a Bong?

Much like a hookah used for smoking tobacco and other herbs, a bong is a water-filled device that filters the substances so they can be smoked directly. Bongs used for weed are a portable way to burn and consume the smoke from the cannabis plants or other dried herbs.

How do Bongs Work?

From the outside, bongs look like a clear vase with a reservoir at the bottom and a straight, vertical tube on top. The entire device consists of three main parts: the reservoir or “chamber”, the chamber, and the mouthpiece.

The dried cannabis flower is packed into the bowl, while the chamber at the bottom of the bong is filled with water, which filters cannabis smoke. The filtered smoke travels through the tube end and into the mouthpiece. That’s how you can inhale the smoke from the bong.

Types of Bongs: The Benefits of Different Bong Materials and Shapes

Before getting into the many different shapes and styles of bongs, here are the main materials that bongs are made of. Bongs are most commonly made of either glass, plastic, ceramic, bamboo, or metal – with each material having its own pros and cons.

Bong Materials

1- Glass Bongs – Not only are glass bongs the most beautiful and interesting to look at, but they’re also the most common type of bong found in North America. Glass is an excellent choice for bongs as the material doesn’t affect the taste of the smoke. The transparent material also makes keeping your bong clean a breeze.

The downside of glass bongs is that they are breakable, and some, more intricate designs, can be expensive and difficult to clean when there is excess resin buildup. 

2- Plastic Bongs – When it comes to plastic bongs, it’s the same story with anything made of plastic. They are cheap and durable but not the most beautiful things to look at. Your dopey friend drops the plastic bong in the middle of a coughing fit? No problem.

On the negative side, plastic bongs aren’t great for the environment. The material can also affect the taste and quality of the weed, downgrading your overall experience.

3- Ceramic Bongs – Much like the benefits of glass bongs, ceramic bongs are worth their weight in beauty and efficiency. Ceramic bongs are easy to clean and come in a variety of shapes and styles that look great displayed on a shelf.

Unfortunately, ceramic bongs provide a lower level of filtration, making the smoke less smooth than with other bong materials. Because of this, ceramic bongs are not many consumers’ daily go-to but are nice to have as a novelty and for special occasions.

4- Bamboo Bongs – If you’re looking for the most classic, durable, eco-friendly bong material choice, bamboo is the way to go. Centuries-old rituals involving cannabis most likely used bamboo pipes and bongs, after all.

The only thing stopping you from adding a bamboo bong to your routine might be actually finding one. Bamboo bongs are not as widely produced as plastic, metal, and glass bongs, making them harder to come by.

5- Metal Bongs – Bongs made from metals are one of the most durable materials you can choose. A metal bong is sure to last you your lifetime and well into the next generation. Metal is not a popular choice for bongs, however, as it provides a worse smoking experience.

Metal materials negatively affect the flavour of the cannabis, lowering the overall experience. Filtration on metal bongs is also not as great as with other materials, making it harsher.

Bamboo bong on a white background.

A rare bong made from bamboo.

Bong Styles

6- Carburator Bongs – Named for the unique feature of a carb (“Carburator”) hole, carburetor bongs have a hole that, when released by your finger, lets smoke from the chamber into the pipe and mouthpiece. The design makes it easy to consume all of the smoke in the bong, without any getting wasted.

7- Beaker Bongs – A long pipe end connects to a beaker-shaped bottom chamber to make a beaker bong. These simple designs make the process easy: simply add your dried flower, light it up, and enjoy.

8- Straight Tube Bongs – With a very simple design, straight-tube bongs consist of one long, straight tube with no larger chamber at the bottom. Water is instead added directly to the tube.

9- Round Base Bongs – The design of round-based bongs is similar to a beaker bong. A tube is connected to a chamber at the bottom for water, except that is it sphere (round) rather than beaker-shaped.

10- Percolator Bongs – Also known as a “bubbler bong”, percolator bongs provide a smooth experience. A straight tube is attached to a round or beaker-shaped base for water. A percolator in the upper part of the tube filters and cools the smoke, making it smoother. A downside to these bongs is that the inner tubing is difficult to clean and susceptible to resin build-up.

11- Multi-Chamber Bongs – Though often larger, more expensive, and less portable, multi-chamber bongs are a popular choice for well-rehearsed cannabis consumers. The multiple pipes attached to the chambers allow the smoke to be filtered twice, giving a smoother inhalation and a heightened overall experience.

Homemade Bongs

12- Gravity (Bucket) Bongs – Though you can buy bucket-gravity bongs, most people choose to make these at home, DIY style. Gravity bongs use the vacuum created when water in an enclosed space. 

To make a gravity bucket bong, a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off is placed in a bucket of water. The flower is packed into the cap and lit, causing the bottle to fill with smoke. You can then pull up on the bottle, causing a vacuum, remove the cap and inhale.

13- Waterfall Bongs – Waterfall bongs function similarly to bucket bongs. Rather than pulling the bottle out of the water, however, you allow the water to drain from the bottom. Doing so will cause a vacuum where the smoke can fill the bottle.

Waterfall bongs are popular for DIY bong smokers, and you might even see them at a part since they can easily be assembled using recyclable materials.

14- Other Homemade Bong Materials – Making a homemade bong is a chance to really flex your creativity. Bongs can be made out of a variety of household items, such as apples, plastic bottles, boxes, and more. Have you made a box out of anything that might surprise us?

Pipe Styles

For a smaller, more portable option, pipes function in a similar way to bongs. Pipes come in a variety of shapes and designs to suit your needs and style. Here are a few common pipe styles:

15- Water Pipes – Compact, water-less pipe for a harsher experience. Very portable.

16- Dry Pipes – Water-filled pipe for a smoother experience. Less portable.

17- Bubbler Pipes – Combines a water pipe with a bowl (like that on a bong) for a fun and smooth experience.

The Best Weed for Bongs

Whichever bong material or type you choose, the true key to a great hit on the bong is pairing it with high-quality dried cannabis flower. Here are some must-try strains.

The Best Type of Bong

From different materials like glass, plastic, bamboo, and metal to varieties of shapes and styles, there’s a type of bong to suit everyone. The best type of bong depends on your preferences. 

However, when it comes down to the best experience and smoothest smoke, we’d recommend getting a glass or ceramic bong. Be sure to pair it with your favourite, high-quality dried cannabis flower, and you’re good to go.








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